Distillery appraisals and brewery appraisals are most often required by banks offering loan services to their clients. Credit unions and banks may also use these types of appraisal reports, or distillery valuations and or brewery valuations when offering collateral loans as well. Owner’s of breweries and distilleries seek these invaluable distillery appraisal and brewery appraisal services when they either receive offers to buy, and or they decide to sell. Owners or partnership groups will often seek these brewery valuations or distillery valuations appraisal services should they choose to either take-on a new partner, and or buy-out an existing partner. The most common reasons provided by our clients is, “The bank required brewery or distillery equipment to be appraised,” and or “We needed to assess the current value of the equipment used in daily operations”. Hire a distillery appraiser and brewery appraiser today.
Winery & Wine Appraisals provides some of the best trained, and the only certified brewery appraisers and distillery appraisers in the world. Our distillery valuations and brewery valuations team members hold appraisal designations and are trained in appraisal methodology for a minimum of two years. Our appraisers also possess the current Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) accreditation. Company founder Tom DiNardo was an amateur brewer and zymurgist before joining the wine & spirits profession. Currently, our distillery appraisers and brewery appraisers also perform distillery valuations and brewery valuations for other legal issues such as probate, will and estate concerns. Issues regarding bankruptcy, litigation, court orders (such as trustee and government seizure), insurance loss matters, and or other legal matter as required by regulatory agencies are often resolved through the use of distillery and brewery appraisals. Feel free to view our appraiser qualifications or visit our wine, beer & spirits expert page.
Are you an individual with a fine and rare spirits or prized liquor collection, or do you operate a liquor business? Whether it’s whiskeys, scotch, cognac, armagnac, and or liquers, our liquor appraisers provide liquor appraisals, and or liquor valuations, for you prized cellar. Our expert spirits appraisers are here to serve your spirits appraisal or spirits valuation needs.
Winery & Wine Appraisals is a personal property appraisals firm. We do not perform business valuations, and nor do we appraise real property or agricultural assets. However, we do provide our clients with professional associate appraiser contacts and referrals to assist our clients with their other appraisal needs. We are happy to refer you to real property appraisal (i.e. buildings and land), agricultural appraisers (vineyards and orchards), and also business valuation appraisers when required.